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Acta Oceanologica Sinica
文章來(lái)源:handler    時(shí)間(jiān):2023-10-27 04-33-49
期刊級别SCI拼音(yīn)Acta Oceanologica Sinicazá zhì
英文Acta Oceanologica Sinica郵編100081

Acta Oceanologica Sinica雜志(zhì)簡介


《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》是由中國科學技(jì)術(shù)協會(huì)主管、中國海洋學會(huì)主辦、海洋出版社出版的英文版海洋科學技(jì)術(shù)基礎研究綜合性學術(shù)期刊。    《Acta OceanologicaSinica》以及時(shí)反映我國海洋科學技(jì)術(shù)高(gāo)水(shuǐ)平的最新研究成果,積極開(kāi)展中外海洋科學技(jì)術(shù)交流,大(dà)力促進海洋科學技(jì)術(shù)的發展,為(wèi)開(kāi)發利用和(hé)保護海洋,加速我國社會(huì)主義現代化建設服務為(wèi)宗旨。自創刊以來(lái),共發表文章上(shàng)千篇,成為(wèi)展示我國重大(dà)海洋科學研究計(jì)劃、自然科學基金等重大(dà)科技(jì)成果展示的重要載體(tǐ)。    《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》在國內(nèi)外公開(kāi)發行(xíng),在國際上(shàng)很(hěn)多(duō)涉海國家(jiā)的院校(xiào)、研究機構和(hé)圖書(shū)館均能看到。多(duō)年來(lái),廣大(dà)海洋科學工作(zuò)者高(gāo)度重視(shì)《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》在推進海洋科學發展中的作(zuò)用,刊物被列為(wèi)中國海洋學會(huì)“精品工程”。    《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》曾獲獎項:中國科協精品科技(jì)期刊示範項目資助通(tōng)知(2009)(連續3年英文版國際推廣項目);《海洋學報》編輯部獲中國海洋學會(huì)先進集體(tǐ)稱号(2010);第一屆中國科協優秀論文獎(1篇)(2003);第三屆中國科協優秀論文獎(1篇)(2006);第六屆中國科協優秀學術(shù)論文獎(2篇)(2008);獲得(de)馬塔切納(意大(dà)利)青年優秀論文獎決定(1篇)(2012年);第五屆馬塔切納(意大(dà)利)青年優秀論文獎(1篇)(2012年公布);中國科學技(jì)術(shù)期刊編輯學會(huì)團體(tǐ)會(huì)員證書(shū)(2005);獲得(de)“2012中國最具國際影(yǐng)響力學術(shù)期刊”殊榮(2012);(10)獲得(de)“2013中國最具國際影(yǐng)響力學術(shù)期刊”殊榮(2013);英文版獲得(de)中國科技(jì)期刊國際影(yǐng)響力提升計(jì)劃B類資助(2013)


萬方收錄(中)CSCD 中國科學引文數(shù)據庫來(lái)源期刊(含擴展版)SA 科學文摘(英)知網收錄(中)維普收錄(中)SCI 科學引文索引(美)Pж(AJ) 文摘雜志(zhì)(俄)統計(jì)源期刊(中國科技(jì)論文期刊)CA 化學文摘(美)




                                                                                           論文                                                研究報道(dào)                                                綜述

Acta Oceanologica Sinica雜志(zhì)特色




                                                       一、Submission of papers    A submission to AOS must be the original work of authors which have not been published or under consideration for another publication in a similar form. Authors are requested to submit the electronic version of the manuscript and figures (in MS WORD) on line, or by E-mail.Please include your E-mail address, phone and fax number on the first page of the manuscript. For further information, please contact with our editors.    二、Manuscript preparation    1.General: Manuscripts must be typewritten, double-spaced with wide margins on one side of white paper. Full postal addresses must be given for all co-authors. Authors should consult a recent issue of the journal for style if possible.    2.Title: The title should be short and informative. Authors should avoid using abbreviations, chemical element signs and mathematical variable signs in the title.    3.Abstracts: The essential contents of each paper should be recapitulated briefly in an abstract of not more than 500 words at the head of the paper.    4.Key words: Please provide up to three to six subject key words.    5.Text: Follow this order when typing manuscripts: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Key Words, Main Text, Acknowledgements, Appendix, References, Figure Captions and then Tables.    6.Units: Units should be SI with the exception of a few approved non-SI units of wide oceanographic usage.    7.Figures: Authors should send high quality electronic form (save as *.JPG) of all figures.    8.References: All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references following thetext of the manuscript.    In the text refer to the author’s family name (without initials)“Wang (1998) hasshown that…”or“This is in agreement with results obtained later (Kramer, 2001)”. For three or moreauthors use the first author followed by “et al.” in the text. The list of references should be arranged alphabetically by authors’ names. References should be given in the following form:    Bjerknes J. 1969. Atmospheric teleconnections from the equatorial Pacific. Mon Wea Rev, 97: 163-172    Chen Yuejuan, Jian Jun, Zhang Hong, et al. 2001. The interannual variability of meridional circulation from 1961 to 1977 and its relation with SSTA. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Science (in Chinese), 25: 80-88    Elbaz-Poulichet F, Huang W W, Martin J M, et al. 1990. Behavior of dissolved trace elements in the Changjiang Estuary. In: Yu Guohui, Martin J M, Zhou J Y, eds. Biogeochemical Study of the Changjiang Estuary. Beijing: China Ocean Press, 293-311    Yun Caixing. 2005. Application of Remote Sensing Techniques to Coastal Zone and Offshore Area (inChinese). Beijing: China Ocean Press, 24-28