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文章來(lái)源:handler 時(shí)間(jiān):2017-10-12 02-10-43
2017年EI收錄的中國期刊目錄更新了,很(hěn)多(duō)作(zuò)者關心最新EI收錄的中國期刊名稱,本文根據《2017年Ei Compendex收錄出版物期刊目錄》羅列了下來(lái)!個(gè)人(rén)來(lái)說,國內(nèi)收錄的這些(xiē)期刊都不錯,質量都很(hěn)高(gāo),所以作(zuò)者如果有(yǒu)實力、文章有(yǒu)質量、有(yǒu)信心,不如投稿這些(xiē)國內(nèi)知名刊物,畢竟自己投稿這些(xiē)刊物,是錄用、拒絕還(hái)是修改,都是可(kě)控可(kě)改變的,何必找中介去發國外不可(kě)控的外文雜志(zhì)呢!(需要提醒的:本文出自官方Ei Compendex目錄,不代表最終版,可(kě)能随EI目錄更新而更新!本文參照版本:CPXSourceList_04072017)
10010920 | 控制(zhì)與決策 | Control and Decision | |
10008152 | 控制(zhì)理(lǐ)論與應用 | Control Theory and Applications | |
10006788 | 系統工程理(lǐ)論與實踐 | System Engineering Theory and Practice | |
10000992 | 力學進展 | Advances in Mechanics | |
04591879 | 力學學報 | Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics | |
03710025 | 聲學學報 | Acta Acustica | |
02532239 | 光學學報 | Acta Optica Sinica | |
10044213 | 光子學報 | Acta Photonica Sinica | |
10003290 | 物理(lǐ)學報 | Acta Physica Sinica | |
10007032 | 發光學報 | Chinese Journal of Luminescence | |
10019014 | 紅外與毫米波學報 | Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves | |
10000593 | 光譜學與光譜分析 | Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis | |
02510790 | 高(gāo)等學校(xiào)化學學報 | Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities | |
10002383 | 地球科學:中國地質大(dà)學學報 | Earth Science Journal of China University of Geosciences | |
10052321 | 地學前緣 | Earth Science Frontiers | |
02534967 | 地震地質 | Seismology and Geology | |
10011552 | 大(dà)地構造與成礦學 | Geotectonica et Metallogenia | |
00015733 | 08989591 | 地球物理(lǐ)學報 | Chinese Journal of Geophysics (Acta Geophysica Sinica) |
10004750 | 工程力學 | Engineering Mechanics | |
10050930 | 應用基礎與工程科學學報 | Journal of Basic Science and Engineering | |
10056734 | 中國慣性技(jì)術(shù)學報 | Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology | |
16727207 | 中南大(dà)學學報 (自然科學版) | Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology) | |
10001964 | 中國礦業大(dà)學學報 | Journal of China University of Mining and Technology | |
16735005 | 中國石油大(dà)學學報 | Journal of China University of Petroleum (Edition of Natural Science) | |
10067043 | 哈爾濱工程大(dà)學學報 | Journal of Harbin Engineering University | |
03676234 | 哈爾濱工業大(dà)學學報 | Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology | |
16714512 | 華中科技(jì)大(dà)學學報 自然科學版 | Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition) | |
16742974 | 湖(hú)南大(dà)學學報 | Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences | |
16715497 | 吉林大(dà)學學報(工學版) | Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition) | |
10012486 | 國防科技(jì)大(dà)學學報 | Journal of National University of Defense Technology | |
10053026 | 東北大(dà)學學報 | Journal of Northeastern University | |
10002758 | 西北工業大(dà)學學報 | Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University | |
10062467 | 上(shàng)海交通(tōng)大(dà)學學報 | Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University | |
20963246 | 工程科學與技(jì)術(shù) | Advanced Engineering Science | |
1000565X | 華南理(lǐ)工大(dà)學學報 自然科學版 | Journal of South China University of Technology (Natural Science) | |
10010505 | 東南大(dà)學學報 (自然科學版) | Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition) | |
02582724 | 西南交通(tōng)大(dà)學學報 | Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University | |
04932137 | 天津大(dà)學學報 | Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology | |
0253374X | 同濟大(dà)學學報 (自然科學版) | Journal of Tongji University | |
10000054 | 清華大(dà)學學報 | Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) | |
20959389 | 工程科學學報 | Chinese Journal of Engineering | |
0253987X | 西安交通(tōng)大(dà)學學報 | Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University | |
10012400 | 西安電(diàn)子科技(jì)大(dà)學學報 | Journal of Xidian University | |
1008973X | 浙江大(dà)學學報 (工學版) | Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science) | |
10010645 | 北京理(lǐ)工大(dà)學學報 | Transaction of Beijing Institute of Technology | |
02544156 | 自動化學報 | Acta Automatica Sinica | |
10020446 | 機器(qì)人(rén) | Robot | |
1001506X | 系統工程與電(diàn)子技(jì)術(shù) | Systems Engineering and Electronics | |
10001298 | 農業機械學報 | Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery | |
10026819 | 農業工程學報 | Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering | |
10011595 | 測繪學報 | Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica | |
16718860 | 武漢大(dà)學學報 (信息科學版) | Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University | |
10003851 | 複合材料學報 | Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica | |
10053093 | 材料研究學報 | Chinese Journal of Materials Research | |
1000324X | 無機材料學報 | Journal of Inorganic Materials | |
10014381 | 材料工程 | Journal of Materials Engineering | |
10078827 | 新型碳材料 | New Carbon Materials | |
10007555 | 高(gāo)分子材料科學與工程 | Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering | |
04121961 | 金屬學報 | Acta Metallurgica Sinica | |
10040609 | 中國有(yǒu)色金屬學報 | Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals | |
02587076 | 稀有(yǒu)金屬 | Chinese Journal of Rare Metals | |
1002185X | 稀有(yǒu)金屬材料與工程 | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering | |
16733363 | 采礦與安全工程學報 | Journal of Mining and Safety Engineering | |
05776686 | 機械工程學報 | Journal of Mechanical Engineering | |
10003835 | 振動與沖擊 | Journal of Vibration and Shock | |
10044523 | 振動工程學報 | Journal of Vibration Engineering | |
10040595 | 摩擦學學報 | Tribology | |
0253360X | 焊接學報 | Transactions of the China Welding Institution | |
0253231X | 工程熱物理(lǐ)學報 | Journal of Engineering Thermophysics | |
10000909 | 內(nèi)燃機學報 | Transactions of CSICE (Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines) | |
10001026 | 電(diàn)力系統自動化 | Automation of Electric Power Systems | |
1007449X | 電(diàn)機與控制(zhì)學報 | Electric Machines and Control | |
10066047 | 電(diàn)力自動化設備 | Electric Power Automation Equipment | |
10036520 | 高(gāo)電(diàn)壓技(jì)術(shù) | High Voltage Engineering | |
10003673 | 電(diàn)網技(jì)術(shù) | Power System Technology | |
02588013 | 中國電(diàn)機工程學報 | Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering | |
10006753 | 電(diàn)工技(jì)術(shù)學報 | Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society | |
02540096 | 太陽能學報 | Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica | |
02532409 | 燃料化學學報 | Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology | |
02539993 | 煤炭學報 | Journal of the China Coal Society | |
02532697 | 石油學報 | Acta Petrolei Sinica | |
10018719 | 石油學報: 石油加工 | Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing Section) | |
10000976 | 天然氣工業 | Natural Gas Industry | |
02539985 | 石油與天然氣地質 | Oil and Gas Geology | |
10007210 | 石油地球物理(lǐ)勘探 | Oil Geophysical Prospecting | |
10000747 | 石油勘探與開(kāi)發 | Petroleum Exploration and Development | |
10006931 | 原子能科學技(jì)術(shù) | Atomic Energy Science and Technology | |
02580926 | 核動力工程 | Hedongli Gongcheng/Nuclear Power Engineering | |
03722112 | 電(diàn)子學報 | Acta Electronica Sinica | |
10095896 | 電(diàn)子與信息學報 | Journal of Electronics and Information Technology | |
10010548 | 電(diàn)子科技(jì)大(dà)學學報 | Journal of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China | |
02587025 | 中國激光 | Chinese Journal of Lasers | |
10072276 | 紅外與激光工程 | Infrared and Laser Engineering | |
10075321 | 北京郵電(diàn)大(dà)學學報 | Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications | |
1000436X | 通(tōng)信學報 | Journal on Communications | |
02544164 | 計(jì)算(suàn)機學報 | Chinese Journal of Computers | |
10065911 | 計(jì)算(suàn)機集成制(zhì)造系統 | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS | |
10001239 | 計(jì)算(suàn)機研究與發展 | Computer Research and Development | |
10039775 | 計(jì)算(suàn)機輔助設計(jì)與圖形學學報 | Journal of ComputerAided Design and Computer Graphics | |
10009825 | 軟件學報 | Journal of Software | |
04381157 | 化工學報 | CIESC Journal | |
10039015 | 高(gāo)校(xiào)化學工程學報 | Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities | |
04545648 | 矽酸鹽學報 | Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society | |
10042997 | 質譜學報 | Journal of Chinese Mass Spectrometry Society | |
1004924X | 光學精密工程 | Optics and Precision Engineering | |
02543087 | 儀器(qì)儀表學報 | Yi Qi Yi Biao Xue Bao/Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument | |
10001093 | 兵工學報 | Acta Armamentarii | |
10069941 | 含能材料 | Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials | |
10011455 | 爆炸與沖擊 | Explosion and Shock Waves | |
10097848 | 中國食品學報 | Journal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology | |
10079629 | 建築材料學報 | Journal of Building Materials | |
10006869 | 建築結構學報 | Journal of Building Structures | |
1000131X | 土木工程學報 | China Civil Engineering Journal | |
10004548 | 岩土工程學報 | Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering | |
10006915 | 岩石力學與工程學報 | Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering | |
10007598 | 岩土力學 | Rock and Soil Mechanics | |
10016791 | 水(shuǐ)科學進展 | Advances in Water Science | |
05599350 | 水(shuǐ)利學報 | Journal of Hydraulic Engineering | |
16711637 | 交通(tōng)運輸工程學報 | Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering | |
10096744 | 交通(tōng)運輸系統工程與信息 | Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology | |
1000680X | 汽車(chē)工程 | Automotive Engineering | |
10017372 | 中國公路學報 | China Journal of Highway and Transport | |
10014632 | 中國鐵(tiě)道(dào)科學 | China Railway Science | |
10062106 | 鐵(tiě)道(dào)工程學報 | Journal of Railway Engineering Society | |
10018360 | 鐵(tiě)道(dào)學報 | Journal of the China Railway Society | |
10034722 | 橋梁建設 | Bridge Construction | |
10077294 | 船(chuán)舶力學 | Journal of Ship Mechanics | |
10004882 | 中國造船(chuán) | Ship Building of China | |
10006893 | 航空(kōng)學報 | Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica | |
10008055 | 航空(kōng)動力學報 | Journal of Aerospace Power | |
10001328 | 宇航學報 | Journal of Astronautics | |
10015965 | 北京航空(kōng)航天大(dà)學學報 | Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics | |
10014055 | 推進技(jì)術(shù) | Journal of Propulsion Technology | |
10046801 | 振動測試與診斷 | Journal of Vibration, Measurement and Diagnosis | |
10006923 | 中國環境科學 | China Environmental Science | |
05677718 | Acta Mechanica Sinica | ||
08949166 | 18602134 | Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica | |
10067191 | 21941289 | Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) | |
02534827 | Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) | ||
8905487 | China Ocean Engineering | ||
10009361 | Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | ||
18722067 | Chinese Journal of Catalysis | ||
10049541 | Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | ||
10009426 | Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | ||
10009345 | Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition) | ||
16717694 | Chinese Optics Letters | ||
20956983 | 21980942 | Control Theory and Technology | |
16713664 | Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration | ||
20952228 | 20952236 | Frontiers of Computer Science | |
10066748 | High Technology Letters | ||
14768186 | 17518520 | International Journal of Automation and Computing | |
16744799 | 1869103X | International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials | |
20952686 | International Journal of Mining Science and Technology | ||
10040579 | Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition) | ||
16726529 | Journal of Bionic Engineering | ||
20952899 | 21622388 | Journal of Central South University (English Edition) | |
10010742 | Journal of Environmental Sciences (China) | ||
10016058 | Journal of Hydrodynamics | ||
10050302 | Journal of Materials Science and Technology | ||
10020721 | Journal of Rare Earths | ||
10071172 | 19958188 | Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) | |
10037985 | Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) | ||
10044132 | Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | ||
10096124 | Journal of Systems Science and Complexity | ||
10032169 | Journal of Thermal Science | ||
10002413 | Journal of Wuhan University of Technology, Materials Science Edition | ||
1673565X | 18621775 | Journal of Zhejiang University: Science A (Applied Physics & Engineering) | |
10010521 | 18677185 | Rare Metals | |
16747291 | Science China Chemistry | ||
16747313 | Science China Earth Sciences | ||
1674733X | Science China Information Sciences | ||
16747348 | Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy | ||
10058885 | The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications | ||
10051120 | Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics | ||
10036326 | Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (English Edition) | ||
10064982 | 19958196 | Transactions of Tianjin University | |
10070214 | Tsinghua Science and Technology | ||
16742370 | Water Science and Engineering | ||
0023-074X | 科學通(tōng)報 (中文) | Chinese Science Bulletin | |
0253-3820 | 分析化學 | Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry | |
0375-5444 | 地理(lǐ)學報 | Acta Geographica Sinica | |
0001-5717 | 地質學報 | Acta Geologica Sinica | |
1000-0569 | 岩石學報 | Acta Petrologica Sinica | |
1003-5427 | 湖(hú)泊科學 | Journal of Lake Sciences | |
1001-7488 | 林業科學 | Scientia Silvae Sinicae | |
1674-7259 | 中國科學 技(jì)術(shù)科學 (中文) | Science China Technological Sciences (Chinese) | |
1001-5515 | 生(shēng)物醫(yī)學工程學雜志(zhì) | Journal of Biomedical Engineering | |
1007-4619 | 遙感學報 | Journal of Remote Sensing | |
1005-023X | 材料導報 | Materials Review | |
1007-9289 | 中國表面工程 | China Surface Engineering | |
1000-6613 | 化工進展 | Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress | |
1003-5214 | 精細化工 | Fine Chemicals | |
0253-9721 | 紡織學報 | Journal of Textile Research | |
1002-6630 | 食品科學 | Food Science | |
0250-3301 | 環境科學 | Environmental Science | |
1998-0124 | 1998-0000 | Nano Research | |
2047-7538 | Light: Science & Applications | ||
2095-2759 | 2095-2767 | Frontiers of Optoelectronics | |
2095-0179 | 2095-0187 | Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering | |
2095-2201 | 2095-221X | Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering | |
2095-2430 | 2095-2449 | Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering | |
2095-9273 | 2095-9281 | Science Bulletin | |
1996-3599 | 1996-8744 | Building Simulation | |
1006-706X | Journal of Iron and Steel Research International | ||
2095-9184 | 2095-9230 | Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering | |
1674-9251 | 2190-7439 | Photonic Sensors | |
1756-378X | 1756-3798 | International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics | |
1009-0630 | Plasma Science & Technology | ||
1673-1905 | Optoelectronics Letters | ||
1000-9000 | Journal of Computer Science and Technology | ||
1674-2001 | Particuology | ||
2095-4956 | Journal of Energy Chemistry | ||
1004-3756 | Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering | ||
0890-5487 | China Ocean Engineering | ||
1674-1056 | Chinese Physics B (Old title Chinese Physics) |